Nancy Pelosi just can’t help herself. She just returned to power in Washington after years in the wilderness and the first thing she tries t...

Nancy Pelosi Busted Sneaking In Abortion Expansion Into Shutdown Bill

Nancy Pelosi just can’t help herself. She just returned to power in Washington after years in the wilderness and the first thing she tries to do is sneak in abortion expansion into a compromise bill?

Not a smart opening move, nor is drawing a line in the sand over border wall funding. She will try again and again to undo all that Trump has done, thankfully it will be an uphill battle.

From Breitbart: House Democrats made the expansion of abortion one of their first orders of business in a bill that seeks to end the partial government shutdown.

The spending bill – to be voted on Thursday – would repeal a provision that bans non-governmental organizations – such as International Planned Parenthood – from providing or promoting abortions as a method of family planning overseas.

Known in the past as the Mexico City Policy, the provision is now known as the Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance Policy, and was instituted by President Donald Trump shortly after his inauguration in January 2017. Abortion rights advocates simply refer to the provision as the “global gag rule.”

As the Washington Examiner reports, the bill would also raise funding for the United Nations Population Fund (UNPF) by $5 million to $37.5 million. Human rights activists have long been critical of UNPF – an agency they have linked to the support of population control programs such as China’s coercive abortion “one-child policy.”

The pro-life Students for Life of America (SFLA) is calling on all lawmakers of both parties to reject any new funding for abortion in the budget “that would pay for abortions worldwide and to reject any new funding for abortion here at home.”

“News that abortion is the leading cause of death worldwide is a tragedy of international proportions, but asking U.S. taxpayers to pay for it is an offensive misuse of scarce resources,” said SFLA president Kristan Hawkins. “Taxpayers have had enough of the abortion industry’s vision of abortion as the United States’ number one export.”

Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List, said Democrats were “already trying to foist a radical pro-abortion agenda on the nation.”

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