The Democrats and their friends in the media should get used to this image – Chuck Schumer folding like a cheap suit. Pelosi will fold too –...

Chuck Schumer Caves As Huge Group of Stalled Trump Nominees Finally Approved

The Democrats and their friends in the media should get used to this image – Chuck Schumer folding like a cheap suit.

Pelosi will fold too – Trump will not cave on the wall and he simply doesn’t care about opinion polls so even if he gets blamed for a prolonged shutdown, it won’t sway him.

A normal politician could be swayed but Trump is not normal. Chuck Schumer, in typical obstructionist fashion, had been holding up some of Trump nominees.

The real scandal is that Chuck was still obstructing these nominees this late into Trump’s term, but he finally came to his senses.

From The Washington Examiner:The Senate confirmed dozens of stalled Trump administration nominees Wednesday night, just hours before the close of the 115th Congress.

The list excluded federal judges despite an effort by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., to secure a deal for those nominees with Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.

In total, the Senate cleared 77 nominees by voice vote, among them 23 ambassadors to countries including Australia, Armenia, Yemen, Guyana, Kenya, and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Senate confirmed eight U.S. attorneys and eight U.S. marshals, a member of the Federal Maritime Commission, and two members of the Federal Communications Commission.

The Senate confirmed James Carroll Jr. to be director of National Drug Control Policy. It also confirmed Ellen McCarthy to serve as assistant secretary of state.

And it confirmed Kelvin Droegemeier to serve as the director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.

“The Senate has confirmed a highly respected scientist and academic to help further our nation’s economic competitiveness and national security,” said incoming Senate Majority Whip John Thune, R-S.D.

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