While Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are on vacation, President Trump is still in Washington D.C. working to end waste in government. Trump ...

Trump Signs New Executive Order And Chuck Schumer Is Furious

While Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are on vacation, President Trump
is still in Washington D.C. working to end waste in government.

Trump took aim at a key constituency of the Democrats, the federal
workforce, and stunned the hapless Schumer with a new executive order
long been rumored that will freeze pay raises.

From CNN: President Donald Trump issued an executive order Friday freezing federal workers’ pay for 2019, following through on a proposal he announced earlier in the year.

January, comes as hundreds of thousands of federal employees are
expecting to begin the new year furloughed or working without pay
because of a partial government shutdown.

Trump told lawmakers he planned to scrap the 2019 pay bump for
federal workers in August, saying the federal budget couldn’t support

In addition to the 2.1% pay increase, the executive order also
cancels a yearly adjustment of paychecks based on the region of the
country where workers are posted, called the “locality pay increase,”
that was due to take effect in January.

The move does not affect a 2.6% pay increase for US troops next
year that was passed as part of the massive defense spending bill Trump
signed in August.

In a letter to House and Senate leaders in August, Trump described the pay increase as “inappropriate.”

“We must maintain efforts to put our Nation on a fiscally sustainable course, and Federal agency budgets cannot sustain such increases,” the President wrote.

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