The Washington Swamp won’t cooperate, so Donald reveals new plans to cut them out entirely . Congress has made clear it won’t fund the wall,...

President Trump Ditches Congress – Finds All The Border Wall Money

The Washington Swamp won’t cooperate, so Donald reveals new plans to cut them out entirely.

Congress has made clear it won’t fund the wall, even though they ‘said’ they would support it in the past.

When Obama was President, Democrats like Bernie Sanders, Diane Feinstein and Chuck Schumer were happy to fund a border wall.

But now that a Republican is in office, they’re backtracking just to defy the President.

Trump has floated other ways to get the wall built without the help of Congress, but he’s still trying to find the way that works.

And it looks like his search may be over.

From USA Today:
Like it or not, there are sources of revenue in the executive branch that the president has authority to use without congressional approval.
The Department of Agriculture has about $200 billion in outstanding loans for rural development projects such as community buildings, bridges, roads, fire stations, police stations, water projects and barriers such as fencing and walls.
For example, Trump could authorize the sale of $10 billion of USDA rural water loans on the secondary market, which could bring in a lump sum payment of $12 billion or more.
Revenue from these proceeds could be directed to build the border wall.
What is more important – water projects and brand new fire stations, walls and fences in our cities – or the southern border wall?

The answer is pretty clear, and Trump can prioritize America’s sovereignty and safety over development projects.

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Despite those in Congress who protest, there are multiple federal agencies that could help fund the wall in several ways, including the Department of Agriculture and the USDA.

The USDA, for example, could sell some of its multi-billion dollar commercial loans to private parties. These USDA investments include rural water loans worth $10 billion.

Private parties would likely pay $12 billion or more for this loan because it would provide them with a continued supply of revenue from water and wastewater infrastructure.

Not only does this help the taxpayers from having to accept responsibility for this loan, but it would also provide Trump revenue for the wall without having to rely on Congress.

It’s a win-win!

$25 billion is not a small amount to fund the wall, but it’s tiny compared to the amount of money the government spends on unnecessary things.

A recent Waste Report provided by Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) reveals the wacky ways the government frivolously spends our tax dollars.

Apparently, Congress can find the money to study the sexual habits of quails on cocaine ($874,000), support Egyptian tourism ($18 million), and study daydreaming ($2.5 million).

But it can’t find the money to protect our border? Americans should be outraged.

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Source: USA Today

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