President Trump shocked the political world yesterday when he canceled Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff’s trip overseas. Pelosi started with the...

Trump Issues New Travel Rules For Congress And Chuck And Nancy AreFurious

President Trump shocked the political world yesterday when he canceled Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff’s trip overseas. Pelosi started with the blood feud when she yanked her invitation for Trump’s State of the Union.

Yet the media focused almost exclusively on Trump’s actions, calling him small and petty but said none of those things about madam speaker who effectively did the same thing as Trump. It was a double standard to be sure and Trump, rather than run from a fight, just doubled down.

 Team Trump continued to play hardball with congressional Democrats on Friday, with the White House issuing a new rule that would require lawmakers to get the administration’s written permission to travel on government aircraft.

 “Under no circumstances during a government shutdown, will any government-owned, rented, leased or chartered support any Congressional delegation, without the express written approval of the White House Chief of Staff,” wrote Russell Vought, acting director of the Office of Management and Budget, referring to Mick Mulvaney.

 The letter also says no federal funds can be used for such travel without Mulvaney’s permission.

 The rule comes a day after President Trump at the last minute grounded a flight to Afghanistan on a military plane planned by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other Democratic lawmakers.

From Govexec:

Pelosi on Friday issued a statement through spokesman Drew Hammill, saying, “The United States Congress is a co-equal branch of government in our system of checks and balances. The Congress has a constitutional responsibility to conduct oversight in the war zone where our men and women in uniform are risking their lives every day. After President Trump revoked the use of military aircraft to travel to Afghanistan, the delegation was prepared to fly commercially to proceed with this vital trip to meet with our commanders and troops on the front lines.”

The Pelosi statement went on with an accusation that Trump’s move endangered lives.

“In the middle of the night, the State Department’s Diplomatic Security Service provided an updated threat assessment detailing that the president announcing this sensitive travel had significantly increased the danger to the delegation and to the troops, security, and other officials supporting the trip,” Hammill continued.  “This morning, we learned that the administration had leaked the commercial travel plans as well.”

Hammill added: “In light of the grave threats caused by the president’s action, the delegation has decided to postpone the trip so as not to further endanger our troops and security personnel, or the other travelers on the flights.”

See the full memo here.

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