Joe Manchin just weighed in on the filthy impeachment rant that came from a freshman Democrat on her first day in office. It stunned the nat...

Joe Manchin Ends Rashida Tlaib’s Reign Of Terror, Apologizes To America For Her Filthy Rant

Joe Manchin just weighed in on the filthy impeachment rant that came from a freshman Democrat on her first day in office.

It stunned the nation for its viciousness. Speaking to Neil Cavuto Manchin ruined what is left of Rashida’s reputation.

“So disgusting. It was horrible, Neil. No one should approve of that, and I hope she doesn’t talk to her son that way either. You know, what can you say? I can’t in any way condone that. That’s not how we act in West Virginia,” Manchin responded. “It’s not how we talk about public leaders. We might disagree with each other, but we try to get through it, we try to find a pathway forward.”

He continued,
“To act like that is awful and to speak like that is even more
deplorable. I am so sorry. I want to apologize to all Americans, any
sitting Congressperson — there’s 535 of us there — 100 senators and 435
Congresspeople. We should have better manners than that, I assure you.”

Trump destroyed the hapless Democrat as well calling her an absolute disgrace.

“I thought her comments were disgraceful. This is a person that I
don’t know. I assume she’s new. I think she dishonored herself and I
think she’s dishonored her family,” Trump said.

“Using language like that in front of her son and whoever else was
there, I thought that was a disgrace and a dishonor to her and to her
family. I thought it was highly disrespectful to the United States of

From Fox News: Freshman
U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib wasted no time in calling for the impeachment
of President Donald Trump just hours after being sworn in.

Speaking to a crowd of supporters Thursday night, the Michigan
Democrat and one of the first Muslim women elected to Congress said of

“People love you and you win. And when your son looks at you and
says, ‘Momma, look you won. Bullies don’t win.’ And I said, ‘Baby, they
don’t, because we’re gonna go in there and we’re gonna impeach the

Tlaib’s proclamation came hours after the Detroit Free Press published her op-ed calling for Trump’s impeachment.

“President Donald Trump is a direct and serious threat to our
country. On an almost daily basis, he attacks our Constitution, our
democracy, the rule of law and the people who are in this country,”
Tlaib wrote.

“Each passing day brings more pain for the people most directly
hurt by this president, and these are days we simply cannot get back.
The time for impeachment proceedings is now.”

To remove a sitting president, the constitution requires
conviction of “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.”
The impeachment process would further require the consent of both the
House and two-thirds of the Senate, which is still a Republican


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