Democrat said it wasn’t possible – but they can’t say no this smart plan. We need a border wall. There’s no two ways about it; President Don...

Congress Announces New Border Plan – To Build The Wall And SaveTaxpayers $33B

Democrat said it wasn’t possible – but they can’t say no this smart plan.

We need a border wall.

There’s no two ways about it; President Donald Trump MUST deliver on his promise to the American people.

Our national security is at stake and yes, we are indeed facing an immigration crisis.

But Trump needs all the help he can get in this battle, which is why 5 Republican Senators have stepped up with a new proposal.

If it passes, this will fully fund a southern border wall and unbelievably enough, it won’t cost taxpayers a dime!

It’s called the WALL Act, which has been officially reintroduced this week.

Via Breitbart:
Five Republican Senators reintroduced the WALL Act Tuesday, a bill to fully fund a wall along the U.S. southern border.
‘Their legislation, first introduced last December, is also the first bill that will fund the wall by identifying specific funding sources,’ read a Tuesday announcement from the five senators.

The five are Senators are Jim Inhofe (R-OK), Mike Rounds (R-SD), John Kennedy (R-LA), Ted Cruz (R-TX), and Bill Cassidy (R-LA).
We need to build the wall,’ said Inhofe.
‘Over the past two weeks, Democrats have refused to secure our border from drugs, human trafficking, and crime all because they are determined to oppose any policy of President Trump…
…even policies they have supported in the past.’
Furthermore, Inhofe added that the WALL Act fully funds the wall without hurting American wallets.

That’s right, no tax dollars needed!

Basically, the act would “assess penalties on illegal immigration and close loopholes that allow unauthorized immigrants to receive federal benefits.”

Sen. Kennedy said if you want those benefits, you’ll have to prove your U.S. citizenship, plain and simple.

And by making this change, it would save taxpayers a whopping $33 billion every year!

Sen. Cruz said that closing these loopholes – along with a new wall – will stop the flood of border jumpers almost entirely.

All told, the WALL Act would provide $25 billion in funding for Trump’s wall, and it seems like a simple, perfect solution.

We waste FAR too much money on order jumpers as it is; fixing the immigration loopholes and other problems would easily give us the funding.

Don’t you think this is a fantastic idea, fellow patriots?

Source: Breitbart

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