Sen. Rand Paul praised President Donald Trump for his decision to pull U.S. troops out of Syria. “ I’m very proud of the President. This is...

Rand Paul praises Trump for Syria withdrawal

Sen. Rand Paul praised President Donald Trump for his decision to pull U.S. troops out of Syria.

I’m very proud of the President. This is exactly what he promised,” the Rand Paul told CNN’s Jake Tapper on Sunday. “I think people believe that we’ve been at war too long and too many places and that we do need to turn attention to problems we have at home here.”

President Trump announced earlier this week that roughly 2,000 U.S.
troops in Syria can return home because they have achieved their goal.

Trump made the announcement despite warning from his generals and advisers.

But Paul, who is often outspoken against armed conflict, cited “roads, bridges, schools“ as problems in America on which combat money can now be spent.
He also added the decision to pull out of Syria is why Trump got elected.

“One of the reasons he won is because he actually attracts
independents who aren’t beholden to either party who say ‘You know what?
Why don’t we turn attention back to America,’”
he said.

The senator then said Syria should stand up for itself.

“It doesn’t work to have Americans there, policing Muslim lands. It just engenders more terrorism. The longer Americans stay, the more terrorism you’ll have,” Paul said, saying that the U.S. presence is unwelcome in the Middle East.

“So the sooner we get out of that mess, the better,” he said.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you agree with Rand Paul?

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