Nancy Pelosi’s bluff just got called and she lost again. She famously dared Trump to go get the votes for the $5 billion he wanted for the w...

GOP House Checkmates Schumer, Passes Bill With $5.7 Billion For Wall

Nancy Pelosi’s bluff just got called and she lost again. She famously dared Trump to go get the votes for the $5 billion he wanted for the wall.

She said he did not have them and she mocked him for it. Chuck Schumer mocked him too daring him to get the votes out of a fractures GOP house and give him a bill to block.

Checkmate Chuck because that is just what happened.

From The Hill: The House passed a stopgap government-funding measure Thursday night that includes $5.7 billion for President Trump’s wall on the Mexican border and additional security — raising the odds that a shutdown will begin Friday. 

Passage of the measure over united Democratic opposition passes the hot potato to the Senate, which is set to consider the bill Friday. The bill is not expected to pass the Senate, where Democrats have rejected money for Trump’s wall.

Parts of the government will shut down on Saturday without a new funding measure.

The bill also includes $8.7 billion in emergency disaster aid. It passed with 217-185 support.

Passage of the bill capped a wild day at both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue.

From Fox News: Eight Republicans joined all 177 voting Democrats to oppose the measure, which passed 217-185. The bill now goes to the Senate, where it is certain to fall short of the 60 votes needed for passage since the chamber’s 49 Democrats are against the border wall.  

That, in turn, will increase the chances that parts of the federal government will cease operations at midnight Friday.

The vote came hours after Trump told House GOP leaders that he would not enact a Senate-passed package that does not provide money for the barrier.

Members of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, whose leaders had pushed the hardest for Trump to stand his ground on the wall issue, said in a statement:

“Republicans in Congress have continually told the American people that we would fight for wall funding, and today the House of Representatives took its first step toward fulfilling that promise.

The Senate must follow our lead. It’s time we do what we said and work with President Trump and the American people to secure our borders.”

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