Trump saw the caravan’s plan unfolding, and our troops gave them a devastating response. The caravan has been amassing at the border, but no...

After Caravan Surges At Border, Military Troops Take Swift Action

Trump saw the caravan’s plan unfolding, and our troops gave them a devastating response.

The caravan has been amassing at the border, but now the US is showing the world how to protect a country against invaders.

“Open-borders Democrats” are glorifying the thousands in the caravan looking to enter America without applying for asylum – or lying to get in.

Our border agents have witnessed firsthand the reality of the situation, and the caravan is anything but peaceful.

One border patrol agent reported seeing border-jumpers throw “rocks and debris” at agents while taunting them.

Now they’re spreading out to find weak links at the border, but our troops are taking action.

From Washington Examiner:
Active-duty troops joined Customs and Border Protection officers at southern Arizona’s Port of Nogales and DeConcini Crossing Wednesday for a “large-scale operational readiness exercise,” or a major training session.
Troops and border forces acted out all the steps necessary to secure the port in case hundreds or even a couple thousand people try to charge through the border crossing from Mexico, like the incident that took place between Tijuana and San Diego on Nov. 25.
This show of force is both intimidating and necessary, and proves that our soldiers are ready should the caravan attempt to rush the border again.

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But the onslaught of caravans from Central America will continue so long as Democrats keep making false promises.

Many in the caravan told the media that they were misled by the open border group Pueblos Sin Fronteras,  a Chicago-based nonprofit whose name means People Without Borders.

Honduran Ulises Lopez said that Pueblos Sin Fronteras lied to the caravan, promising them transportation and a safe border crossing.

“What was offered to the caravan was a trap,” Lopez said. “The people that brought us to this place took advantage of us, they used us in a horrific way.”

Many in the caravan are now turning back because they know that the US is serious about protecting itself.

A country without borders is like a house without door locks, and our military is making sure the door is locked tight.

SHARE if you support our military and border patrol keeping the border safe!

Source: Washington Examiner

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