
Marco Rubio and other members of the GOP just caught Planned Parenthood affiliates improperly accessing $80 million in PPP loans. Mar...

Marco Rubio and other members of the GOP just caught Planned Parenthood affiliates improperly accessing $80 million in PPP loans.
Marco and others want an investigation and are demanding the organization return the money.
“There is no ambiguity in the legislation that passed or public record around its passage that organizations such as Planned Parenthood, whose parent organization has close to half a billion dollars in assets, is not eligible for the Paycheck Protection Program,” Rubio said.
“Those funds must be returned immediately. Furthermore, the SBA should open an investigation into how these loans were made in clear violation of the applicable affiliation rules and if Planned Parenthood, the banks, or staff at the SBA knowingly violated the law, all appropriate legal options should be pursued.”
From Fox News:
Thirty-seven Planned Parenthood affiliates applied for and received a total of $80 million in loans from the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight” has learned — and now the federal government wants the money back, saying the affiliates should have known they weren’t eligible for the coronavirus stimulus payouts.The Small Business Administration (SBA) is reaching out to each involved Planned Parenthood affiliate explaining that affiliates of larger organizations with more than 500 employees aren’t eligible for PPP distributions, Fox News is told. The Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PFFA) alone has had more than 600 employees.
A Planned Parenthood affiliate in Metropolitan Washington (PPMW), for example, will receive a letter stating that although self-certified that it was eligible for a $1,328,000 PPP loan in accordance with the SBA’s affiliation rules, it will need to return the money.
PPMW’s request for money from the Trump administration came just months after the affiliate’s president and CEO, Laura Meyers, promised to turn down federal funds.
“Planned Parenthood is never going to allow the Trump-Pence administration to bully us into withholding critical health information from our patients,” Meyers said last August, after the White House banned Planned Parenthood clinics from making abortion referrals if they wanted to continue receiving federal funds. At the time, Planned Parenthood vowed to give up federal funds entirely, rather than comply with the order.
The SBA warned more “severe penalties” were possible, beyond mandatory repayment. In particular, incorrect or false eligibility certifications by PPP recipients could result in criminal or civil sanctions if the SBA determined borrowers made knowingly false statements, the SBA letter read.
The letter explained that PPFA affiliates clearly were covered by the PPP affiliate rules. “PPFA’s bylaws, a version of which is publicly available, reveal that becoming a PPFA affiliate requires a certification by the PPFA board,” the document continued. “Once certified, “[e]ach Affiliate shall be governed by written bylaws, which conform to PPFA policies.”
The largest single government loan was a $7.5 million allotment to the Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino Counties in California. One Planned Parenthood affiliate received a loan but declined it.
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The Hill  reports  Attorney General William Barr said Monday that he does not expect a criminal investigation of former President Obama...

The Hill reports Attorney General William Barr said Monday that he does not expect a criminal investigation of former President Obama or former Vice President Joe Biden to result from the probe undertaken by U.S. Attorney John Durham.
“Based on the information I have today, I don’t expect Mr. Durham’s work will lead to a criminal investigation of either man,” Barr told reporters at the Justice Department. “Our concern over potential criminality is focused on others.”
 Barr was asked about President Trump’s recent remarks encouraging investigations into Obama and other officials from the previous administration during a press conference on December’s Pensacola Naval Air Station shooting. The president has suggested Obama administration officials were involved in criminal wrongdoing in connection with the FBI’s investigation into Russian interference, a probe that dogged him during his first two years in office.
Barr answered that he wouldn’t address Trump’s remarks specifically but denounced “increasing attempts to use the criminal justice system as a political weapon.”
Barr has tapped Durham, the U.S. attorney in Connecticut, to oversee an investigation into the FBI’s decision-making in the investigation, including potential criminal wrongdoing. The attorney general has been deeply critical of the bureau’s handling of the investigation into contacts between Russia and the Trump campaign, and he renewed that criticism on Monday.
“What happened to the president in the 2016 election and throughout the first two years of his administration was abhorrent,” Barr said. “It was a grave injustice and it was unprecedented in American history.”
“The law enforcement and intelligence apparatus of this country were involved in advancing a false and utterly baseless Russian collusion narrative against the president,” he added.
Barr said Durham was assessing whether criminal laws were broken, but insisted “this cannot be and it will not be a tit-for-tat exercise.”
“We are not going to lower the standards just to achieve a result,” he said, before adding he did not expect criminal investigations into either Obama or Biden.
Barr’s remarks may be met with disapproval by the president and his conservative allies.
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During an interview with Maria Bartiromo on Sunday, President Trump said that those behind the Russia hoax and the spying on his campaign...

During an interview with Maria Bartiromo on Sunday, President Trump said that those behind the Russia hoax and the spying on his campaign are basically traitors to this country.
The discussion had shifted from who was behind the Russia hoax to what can be done about it.
“If this happened to Obama, instead of to me, you know what? Everybody would be in jail for years already, for years. It’s a disgraceful thing,” the President said.
Of course well all know Trump is right. There’s a double standard, one for Republicans and one for Democrats.
“But it’s — it’s — we caught them in the act, Maria. It’s a beautiful thing,” the President continued. “Every day, we’re seeing more and more information come out. We caught them. And their guys are gone. They were guarding the fort. Comey and all these guys, they were guarding the fort. And once they left, it got easier and easier.”
The president then got to his main point “And now it’s like an avalanche of really bad — call it treason, call it whatever you want, but they tried to take down a duly elected president of the United States.
Watch via Fox News:
BARTIROMO: How involved was John Brennan?
TRUMP: Totally involved. He was totally involved. John Brennan was one of the architects, in my opinion. You look at Brennan, you look at Clapper, you look at them all. But, ultimately, the president knew everything. The president knew everything. President Obama and Vice President Biden, they knew everything.
BARTIROMO: So, what can you do about it?
TRUMP: And, again, if…
BARTIROMO: What can you do about it, that…
TRUMP: Let me just tell you, if I were in that position, it’d be a whole different thing. If this happened to Obama, instead of to a Republican president, that’s popular, 96 percent in the Republican Party, but it’s a whole different thing.
If this happened to Obama, instead of to me, you know what? Everybody would be in jail for years already, for years. It’s a disgraceful thing.
But it’s — it’s — we caught them in the act, Maria. It’s a beautiful thing. And, every day, we’re seeing more and more information come out. We caught them. And their guys are gone.
They were guarding the fort. Comey and all these guys, they were guarding the fort. And once they left, it got easier and easier.
And now it’s like an avalanche of really bad — call it treason, call it whatever you want, but they tried to take down a duly elected president of the United States.
BARTIROMO: They didn’t care that 53 million voted for you and wanted you in the office.
TRUMP: More than 63 million. Just so you understand that they got caught in the act. They never thought that was going to happen. And they got sloppy, where Lisa Page would text and send messages through service.
You know one of the other things that is missing? The DNC server. Where is it?
Why is it that the FBI didn’t take it? They arrested all of these people, but they didn’t arrest — they went in to see the people at DNC, right?
They go in to see, you know, her wonderful campaign manager. You know all about that, right? They went into see those people, whose brother, by the way, was supposed to be arrested. And the brother never got arrested, right?

It used to be when we took in immigrants or offered refuge to people displaced by war in poorer countries those people became patriotic A...

It used to be when we took in immigrants or offered refuge to people displaced by war in poorer countries those people became patriotic Americans in short order.
What a privilege to come here and get free everything including school, housing, food, medical, money, etc. Do you know that Ilham Omar has always worked non-profits, most of whom receive money from various government grants? Has she spent one day since she has been here not getting taxpayer money somehow? I doubt it.

But sadly things have changed and we now have absolute ingrates like Ilhan Omar and her daughter literally calling American soldiers bitches on social media.
The congresswoman’s 17-year-old daughter Isra Hirsi made the comments during a social media video that did not sneak past conservative activist CJ Pearson.
“I know this is a joke, but the fact that these men are calling me a bitch when they are actively killing innocent children abroad and also furthering US imperialism makes me think that they are actually the bitch,” Hirsi said.

Pearson wrote:
In this video, @israhirsi the daughter of Congresswoman @IlhanMN calls American soldiers “bitches” and accuses them of “furthering American imperialism” and “actively killing innocent children abroad”.
Where does she get these views from? I guess the apple doesn’t fall far!
@IlhanMN – do you agree with your daughter’s characterizations of American soldiers?

President Trump is tired of the games Congress has been playing during this crisis. Americans are suffering as liberals in D.C. fool aro...

President Trump is tired of the games Congress has been playing during this crisis. Americans are suffering as liberals in D.C. fool around.
Democrats like Nancy Pelosi have been holding up funding for small businesses—in a bid to get what they want. Imagine putting politics ahead of the wellbeing of millions of Americans?
It looks like Democrats could be keeping Congress open to block Trump’s agenda. And he’s had enough.

From Fox News:
President Trump announced during a White House address Wednesday that he is considering adjourning Congress and using its absence to make political appointments…
Trump added that he has the constitutional authority to dismiss both chambers and accused Congress of failing the American people and shirking their responsibilities as elected leaders.
President Trump called out Congress for delaying needed action. He threatened to adjourn Congress so he could go ahead and make needed appointments to his staff.
While Congress keeps running pro forma, from a distance, they are not allowing the President to make appointments in their absence. And they sure won’t be voting for his appointments while things are open.

Since President Trump entered office, Democrats have worked overtime to block his America First agenda.
Even during this crisis, they refuse to put their bias aside for the good of the country.
What have we seen from the government since this pandemic started? Well, from the White House we’ve seen a task force led by Trump and Pence working around the clock.
They’ve done all they can to battle this crisis, both medically and economically.
Democrats in D.C.? Oh, they’ve been playing games, delaying needed legislation. They even refused to keep the small business loans going.
Some may argue that Trump doesn’t have the authority to shut down Congress. But Democrats have been blocking the administration for years.
Hopefully, they’ll wake up and do the right thing, before the president goes to extremes.
SHARE if you stand with Trump, not Democrats in Congress.
Source: Fox News

Barack Obama appeared at a virtual graduation ceremony last night and continued taking his cowardly veiled shots at Trump. He missed, a...

Barack Obama appeared at a virtual graduation ceremony last night and continued taking his cowardly veiled shots at Trump.
He missed, as he often does and ended up smacking himself in the face instead, and in doing so exposed himself as a fraud for all the world to see.
“Doing what feels good, what’s convenient, what’s easy, that’s how little kids think,” Obama said taking his by now familiar yet still quite cowardly veiled shot at President Trump.

“Unfortunately, a lot of so-called grownups with fancy titles and important jobs still think that way.”
“That’s why things are so screwed up,” he added. “More than anything, this pandemic has fully, finally torn back the curtain on the idea that so many of the folks in charge know what they’re doing.”
“A lot of them aren’t even pretending to be in charge.”
“Our society and our democracy only work when we think not just about ourselves, but about each other.”
“It’s woken a lot of young people up to the fact that the old ways of doing things, just don’t work,” Barack said before taking another veiled shot at Trump for not only not having “all the answers” but “not even asking the right questions.”

Barack actually makes the case for Trump not against him as the pandemic has made one thing clear – sending our middle-class jobs to China and sending manufacturing capacity of key supplies needed for the health and security of this country has been an even bigger disaster than we thought.
And we know Obama is a fraud because he actually ran on bringing the jobs and key industries back. That is how he beat Clinton, McCain, and Romney – he accused them of sending jobs and key industries not just overseas but to regimes that are actually against what we stand for.
Obama didn’t do anything to fix this debacle and that is why we elected Trump. We are not as dumb as Obama likes to think we are.
We know that was the biggest mistake in American history, to send the crown jewel of America – our middle class – to China.
We may not ever be able to fix what Obama and the rest did to this nation with their disastrous trade policies but we know that if we do not at least try, we will be screwing over our grandchildren.
We elected Trump to clean up the messes Obama and Bush and Clinton left because we agree with Barack that this pandemic has exposed has “finally torn back the curtain on the idea that so many of the folks in charge know what they’re doing,” and we elected Trump to fix what you did.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s most recent coronavirus relief package incorporates a plethora of ridiculous mandates, including sections t...

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s most recent coronavirus relief package incorporates a plethora of ridiculous mandates, including sections that would allow “nonviolent” felons to be set free from prison and illegal immigrants to be released from federal detention.
On Tuesday, House Democrats unveiled the $3 trillion proposal, which also includes protection for illegal immigrants if their jobs are deemed “essential.”

Releasing convicted criminals onto the streets to re-offend and granting amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants is just part of top Democrats’ partisan wish list.
Taking into consideration that violent criminals often plea down to a lesser offense in return for a shorter prison sentence, it simply does not make sense to release federal prisoners en masse.
According to the U.S. Sentencing Commission’s 2018 annual report, over 97 percent of federal convicts took plea deals instead of facing more serious charges at trial, as Breitbart reported.
So while releasing thousands of “nonviolent” felons might sound like a good idea in theory — at least if you’re a Democrat — it could lead to dangerous criminals being released onto our streets.

“During a declared national emergency relating to a communicable disease, [the legislation] mandates the release into community supervision of federal prisoners and pretrial detainees who are non-violent and, for instance, pregnant women, juveniles, older prisoners and detainees, and those with certain medical conditions,” a summary of the bill reads.
The bill “Modifies probation and supervised release policies to avoid unnecessary in-person contact with probation officers and to reduce the numbers of those supervised and those imprisoned for violations” and “Mandates the release of non-violent pretrial defendants on their own recognizance.”
Pelosi’s HEROES Act also includes provisions that 1) grant judges the ability to shorten the sentences of convicted felons and 2) terminate the fees that jail inmates need to pay before their trials so they can be released without posting bail.
“During the COVID-19 emergency, expands court authority to order compassionate release for federal prisoners and to reduce sentences, and removes administrative barriers that slow the ability of 81 prisoners to seek compassionate release. Authorizes courts to temporarily release persons who have been sentenced, but have not yet been transported to a Bureau of Prisons facility, to protect them from COVID-19,” the summary reads.
“Authorizes the establishment of a grant program that distributes funds directly to state and local courts, with the condition that they impose a moratorium on the imposition and collection of court-imposed fees and fines during the COVID19 crisis,” it adds.
The massive multi-trillion dollar bill is making it easy for most of the establishment media to gloss over the small but powerful sections about illegal alien amnesty.
One section buried all the way down on page 1,762 of the House Democrats’ “HEROES Act” directs the Department of Homeland Security to release back onto the streets illegal immigrants being held by Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

“The Secretary of Homeland Security shall prioritize for release on recognizance or alternatives to detention individuals who are not subject to mandatory detention laws, unless the individual is a threat to public safety or national security,” the bill reads.
Moreover, under the act, illegal aliens fortunate enough to work in “essential critical infrastructure” are protected from being deemed in violation of the Immigration and Nationality Act.
That protection is buried all the way down on page 1,737 of the bill.
Employers who hire illegal immigrants to work “essential” jobs would also be exempt.
Thankfully, this partisan play was flagged by Ken Cuccinelli, acting director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, who said it was a push for “amnesty.”

 “These pages of the proposed bill create a deferred action program for aliens based on the CISA essential workforce list. Granting both deferred action and employment authorization. The aliens wouldn’t even have to apply for an EAD or deferred action, they get it automatically,” Cuccinelli tweeted.
Instead of focusing on getting getting Americans back to work, Pelosi and her Democratic cohorts are intent of freeing felons and illegal immigrants.
We have already witnessed inmates being released from prisons and jails in California and New York.
If bill were to pass, this short-sighted policy could affect communities across the nation.
The sheer chaos that would presumably ensue would make it difficult for us to get our society functioning again.
Unfortunately, it appears this is precisely what some Democrats are hoping for.
This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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